누가 이스라엘을 아름답다했는가. / 리인숙

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작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 3,000회 작성일 20-08-05 15:38


이스라엘이 베이루트를 폭격했다.

이스라엘의 기밀 소식통에 의하면 오늘 오전 베이루트 항구에서 이스라엘이 대규모 폭발을 일으켜 100명 이상이 사망하고 수천 명이 부상했다.
이스라엘은 이 항구에 있는 헤즈볼라 무기 저장소를 목표로 삼았고 폭발 장치로 파괴할 계획을 세웠다.그들은 옆창고에 2,700톤의 질산암모늄이 저장되어 있다는 것을 알지 못했다.
이스라엘이 일으킨 비극은 엄청난 규모의 전쟁 범죄이다.
이스라엘은 시리아에서 정기적으로 헤즈볼라와 이란의 무기 저장소와 호위대를 공격해 왔지만, 레바논 내에서 이런 뻔뻔한 공격을 감행하는 경우는 거의 없다.
그의 정보부 직원들이 그에게 그 계획을 말했을 때, 그는 아마 기쁨으로 손을 비비며 "수행해!"라고 말했을 것이다.
이스라엘군의 이번 폭탄 테러는 1982년 베이루트의 침공 전후 기간 동안 이스라엘 요원들이 조직한 유사한 폭탄테러를 떠올리게 한다. 모사드 암살과 레미 브룰린에 관한 로넨 버그먼의 저서는 이 기간 동안 이스라엘 민간인들의 광범위한 죽음과 파괴를 초래한 여러 건의 폭탄테러를 기록했다
트럼프 대통령은 앞서 성명을 통해 이번 폭발이 '끔찍한 공격'이며, 이 같은 정보가 '그의 장군들'에 의해 자신에게 전달됐다고 밝힌 바 있다. 이 경우, 그와 그들이 옳았다
네타냐후 총리는 이번 공격을 승인한 만큼 그 결과에 대한 책임은 그에게 있다. 1982년 조사위원회는 아리엘 샤론이 레바논 침공과 사브라와 샤티야에서의 학살로 과실이 있다고 밝혔다. 그는 10년 동안 정치 망명 생활을 했다. 적어도 이것은 비비가 나라를 이끌 수 있는 자격을 박탈당해야 한다.
보통 이스라엘 사람들은 이런 대학살에 눈 하나 깜짝하지 않을 것이다. 그들은 아랍 이웃들에게 가하는 고통에 익숙해졌다. 하지만 네타냐후의 붕괴된 인기를 감안할 때, 이것은 그의 종말을 앞당길 수 있다.
레바논은 심각한 경제 위기에 처해 있다. 기업은 망하고, 사람은 먹을 것이 없고, 정치인은 아무 것도 하지 않고 시비를 걸고 비난한다. 레바논은 골칫거리이다. 이스라엘은 이웃에게 고통을 주는 것에 대해 수치심이나 자제심을 갖지 않는 것 같다.
저는 그들에게 두 가지 정황 증거를 지적합니다. 일반적으로, 이스라엘이 (이란에 반대하는 사람들과 같은) 성공적인 테러를 감행했다면, 이스라엘은 언급을 거부하거나 고위 군사 또는 정치인이 다음과 같은 말을 할 것입니다. 우리가 논평하기를 거부하는 동안, 누가 그것을 했든 간에, 세상의 호의를 베풀었습니다.
이스라엘은 즉각 책임을 부인했었다.

이스라엘이 돕겠다고 했지만 이스라엘이 아랍 이웃 국가들에게 인도주의적 원조를 결코 제공하지 않는다는 것이다. 시리아 내전 당시 이스라엘이 인도적 지원을 한 유일한 단체는 이슬람 반아사드 동맹국들이다. 이스라엘은 오늘까지 레바논에 그런 지원을 한 적이 없다. 대신, 수십 년 동안 죽음과 파괴를 비처럼 퍼부었다. [리인숙] 


Tikun Olam תיקון עולם

Promoting Israeli democracy, exposing secrets of the national security state

August 4, 2020 by  14 Comments 




Massive mushroom cloudrom Hezbollah warehouse bombing\and its aftermath


A confidential highly-informed Israeli source has told me that Israel caused the massive explosion at the Beirut port earlier today which killed over 100\and injured thousands.  The bombing also virtually leveled the port itself\and caused massive damage throughout the city.

Israel targeted a Hezbollah weapons depot at the port\and planned to destroy it with an explosive device.  Tragically, Israeli intelligence did not perform due diligence on their target.  Thus they did not know (or if they did know, they didn’t care) that there were 2,700 tons of ammonium nitrate stored in a next door warehouse.  The explosion at the arms depot ignited the next door warehouse, causing the catastrophe that resulted.

It is, of course, unconscionable that Israeli agents did not determine everything about their target including what was in its immediate vicinity. The tragedy Israel has wreaked is a war crime of immense magnitude.

The ICC has already been investigating Israel for war crimes in Gaza since the 2014 Operation Protective Edge.  Now, I imagine it will expand the scope to incorporate today’s criminally negligent massacre.

Though Israel has regularly attacked Hezbollah\and Iranian weapons depots\and convoys in Syria, it rarely undertakes such brazen attacks inside Lebanon.  This attack in the country’s capital marks an even greater escalation. The sheer recklessness of this operation is astonishing.

Not surprising though. An operation of this sort can only happen amidst internal political dysfunction. Bibi is on the ropes\and desperate to change the subject.  When his intelligence officers brought the plan to him he probably rubbed his hands with glee\and said: “Go to it!” Israeli intelligence was naturally out to please the boss\and probably cut corners in\order to make the attack happen. When no one is at the wheel saying “Stop!” the boat hits an iceberg\and sinks.  That’s possibly what happened here.

The Israeli bombing brings to mind similar bombings\orchestrated by its agents in Beirut in the period before\and after its 1982 invasion. Ronen Bergman’s book on Mossad assassinations\and Remy Brulin have documented multiple Israeli bombings during this period which wreaked widespread death\and destruction on the city’s civilian population.

In this case, the damage done was accidental.  But that will be little comfort to the thousands of Beirutis whose lives have become a living hell as a result of this Israeli crime.

As an aside, former Likud MK Moshe Feiglin tweeted a quotationrom the Bible about the disaster: “There never have been such great days in Israel as the 15th of Av [the day of the bombing]\and Yom Kippur.”

Of course, it pains me to admit that Pres. Trump was correct in his earlier statement that the explosion was a “terrible attack,”\and that the information was conveyed to him by “his generals.” In this case, he\and they were right.

There could (and should) be domestic political repercussions for this disaster. As Netanyahu approved the attack, he is responsible for the consequences. In 1982, a commission of inquiry found Ariel Sharon culpable for the invasion of Lebanon\and the massacre at Sabra\and Shatilla.  He was sent into political exile for a decade. At the very least, this should disqualify Bibirom leading the country. This would be the outcome in any democratic nation in which the leader was held accountable for his failures.

But alas, Israel is not such a nation,\and Bibi always seems to weasel out of responsibility for his blunders. The difference here is that the Israeli leader is already under pressure due to his government’s disastrous response to Covid19\and the looming corruption trial on three counts of bribery.  This could be the tipping point.

Normally, Israelis would not bat an eye at such a massacre. They have become inured to the suffering they inflict on their Arab neighbors.  But given Netanyahu’s collapsing popularity, this could hasten his end.

Israel couldn’t have picked a worse time to inflict such suffering on Lebanon.  The country is in deep economic crisis. Businesses are going bankrupt, people have nothing to eat, politicians quarrel\and blame while doing nothing. Lebanon is a basket case. Suffering is everywhere.  There is little appetiterom its Arab brethren like Saudi Arabia to come to its aid. If any country did not need this added tragedy it is Lebanon.  But there  you go–Israel doesn’t seem to have any sense of shame\or restraint when it comes to inflicting pain on its neighbors.

Of course there will be doubters. Those who disbelieve my source. But to them I point out two pieces of circumstantial evidence which are telling. Normally, if Israel has undertaken a successful terror attack (such as those against Iran) it will either refuse to comment\or a senior military\or political figure will saying something like: While we refuse to comment, whoever did it  did the world a favor.

In this case, Israel immediately denied responsibility. Even Hezbollah supposedly said Israel hadn’t caused the damage (likely protecting itselfrom the inevitable blame that will fall upon it for storing its weapons next to a building filled with explosive material).

The second tell-tale sign is that Israel never offers humanitarian aid to its Arab neighbors.  During the Syrian Civil War the only group to whom Israel offered humanitarian assistance was its Islamist anti-Assad allies. Israel has never offered such aid to Lebanon, until today.  Instead, it has rained down death\and destruction for decades.  For it to do so now is the height of chutzpah.

[이 게시물은 최고관리자님에 의해 2020-08-11 09:59:25 뉴스에서 이동 됨]
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